Phoenix Vibrational Healing™

How to Let Go of a Burden

Would you like to "release" a burden?

Most often, when Fred asked this question in a group setting, every hand in the house goes up. We would all appreciate the opportunity to release some of our burdens. At this point, he would often take his keys from his pocket and hold them up and describe the following scenario: Let’s say that two years ago you leased a brand new vehicle. Today, you take the keys to this vehicle into the leasing agent’s office, put them down on his desk, and tell him, ”I would like to re-lease this now.” What are you going to do with the car? You’re going to get it back!

This word “release,” like all other words we use, carries a specific vibrational state or frequency. In this instance, the word “release” essentially means "I am choosing to take this back." The prefix “re-“ means to do it again, and the term “lease” means to assume a leasehold or take possession of. Our use of language and the words therein does not always carry the traditional meaning that we assume due to the fact that every word and letter within those words carry and impart their own unique vibrational signature.

Unfortunately, many of us are totally unaware of the frequencies that are being imparted by the words and phrases that we use. It even appears that in some instances, such as this word “release,” the rampant use of the word when applied to intentional clearing may be a piece of deliberate dis-information imparted to the New Thought movement well over a hundred years ago. You may find instances where this word “release” is frequently used in affirmations and clearing statements. Unfortunately, its use has exactly the opposite effect from what we are intending. This word “release” needs to be completely stricken from the vocabulary of the healing arts. This is a very common example of our misuse of The Sacred Language of Light and Geometry, which defeats our purpose and intention.

There are many other terms that we can use effectively in place of this word “release.” Of course, each of these words also carries its own unique vibrational signature and meaning as it applies to energetic and subtle realms of matter. My most frequently used replacement words are “let go of.” When we use this statement, we are actually vibrationally accomplishing what we intend. There are other nearly synonymous words that we can use in affirmation and invocation; however, each carries its own specific vibrational signature and is not necessarily a synonym. Other words that may prove useful, however, are “clear,” “dissolve,” “discreate,” and “transmute.” Interestingly, you will not find the word “discreate” in your dictionary. However, this word is extremely effective at reversing a previous process of creation. The use of all of these terms is specific, and we go into further detail in regard to each of them in the Phoenix Vibrational Healing™ training where our purpose is to learn and apply vibrationally encoded healing techniques.

For now, we simply encourage you to eliminate this word “release” from all healing vocabularies, and if you so desire, begin to replace it with the term “let go of.” You will soon witness empirical evidence of the efficacy of this change in your language.

Wording for Letting Go of a Burden

Be sure and do the Do Before All Clearings first.

Practitioners learn a very long request to the Creator of All That Is that they use in clearing things. But you can achieve many beneficial results yourself with this simiplified version.

First ask the Creator of All That Is to identify what ever it is that you want to let go of.

"Creator of All That Is, I charge you to research, identify, find and locate all __________________________" (e.g. emotions and emotional trauma held within my body mind field complex)

"Clear any encasements and booby traps associated with them." Breathe in the nose and out through the mouth.

"I let go of all detrimental ones thus itendified. Creator of All That Is clear, dissolve discreate and/or transmute them. Thank you, thank you, thank you." Breathe in the nose and out through the mouth until it feels totally gone.

Be sure and do the Grounding after finish your clearings.

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