The Kybalion Phoenix Vibrational Healing™

Phoenix Vibrational Healing™

The Phoenix Vibrational Healing™ On-Line Clearing Shock, Panic, & Trauma section of this website is a research, experimental and educational program intended to provide clearing to assist humanity by way of our vibrational technology. These on-line clearing tools utilize a photograph that has been vibrationally encoded with specific programs and frequencies using the Phoenix Vibrational Healing™ technology. Each tool accomplishes numerous clearings and contains thousands of Spiritual frequencies to fulfill their specific purpose.

In addition, opportunities for clearing are available throughout any area of the site, for it is imbued with a field of vibrational intent inherent to the PVH work. The way to gain the most benefit from this feature is discussed in the section entitled Participate in clearing while you explore the PVH™ Site.

We do not warrant nor represent that these tools will diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease or complaints of the human condition in any way. Please see and read our Disclaimer prior to experimenting with any of the resources throughout this website. This research project is for purposes of gathering data in regard to the effectiveness of providing clearing technology by way of digital media.

We at Phoenix Vibrational Healing™™ wish to share with you, our visitors, that we, along with thousands of others have had much suffering, imbalance and disharmony simply lifted from us almost instantaneously. We have found that there is no need for much of the suffering that we see and experience in our daily lives given these gifts we have been granted. We also realize that results of any healing technique will vary with each individual due to a myriad of circumstances. We each have our own unique subtle energetic condition and patterning. Nonetheless, we dedicate any perceived benefit to humanity, and attribute any assistance you may gain to the One Infinite Creator of All That Is. We welcome you as a free will volunteer in this Spiritual research project.

Who can benefit from this clearing process?

This first clearing process we offer is for residual energies and imprints of Trauma, Shock and Panic.Nearly without exception, every individual on the Earth has these energies and residual imprints in their physical and subtle bodies. Even newborn babies have experienced birth trauma induced during the birthing process. This is our reason for making this the first clearing available here – it’s universally applicable and the entirety of humanity and the planet are suffering from trauma to greater or lesser degrees. Most all of us have experienced numerous traumatic events throughout our life. We have all had accidents and injury, experienced shock through events and circumstances which we may have perceived as threatening or actual threats of harm to our body or security. You can no doubt recall frightening episodes that occurred during your childhood even though they may no longer elicit the same response. In addition, many people throughout the world are experiencing trauma in their lives and threats to their survival on a daily basis.

How does stored Trauma, Shock and Panic affect us?

None of us are immune to the integration of the energies and frequencies of shock, trauma and panic into our body, mind and energy field complex. When traumatic or shocking events occur we, on the surface, seem to gradually work our way through their effects over the coming days or weeks unless we are living under threatening conditions daily. The nature of the physical body and psyche is to adapt so that we can go on with our lives. An internal survival mechanism therefore engages and suppresses the trauma and its effects down into the subconscious mind, unconsciousness and the physical body. This suppressed energy and its frequencies then tend to numb our psyche to the trauma, eventually causing apathy and an inability to fully “feel” the world around us. As we continue to “work through” the trauma, the tendency is for these energies and frequencies to solidify and integrate into an area of the physical body thereby restricting the flow of Vital Life Force and other sustaining energies.Even though we usually appear to have gotten over the trauma at conscious levels, its energy, frequencies and imprints are still being held within the body and energy field. If a person is still having an emotional upwelling when s/he references into a traumatic event from their past, they are still experiencing deep states of trauma, shock and panic. This deep seated trauma is integrated into the physical body substance and is coming “on-line” when they reference into the experience.

In the case of physical trauma or injury, this tends to slow down healing activity and the resulting energetic blockages tend to produce pain and restrict mobility in the affected area. In fact, the energy of the trauma itself sometimes binds the pain in the body that would normally release were the trauma relieved. This stored trauma and shock, by slowing down our natural flow of vital energies, creates a level of constant stress upon our body that we have to overcome by exerting more energy to do the same amount of work. This problem is cumulative in its effect so that the more trauma we experience, the more of our energy it consumes. Eventually, if not addressed, this stored trauma begins to compromise other vital functions, such as our immune system activity. This is often what occurs with those experiencing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. The condition is often preceded by a severe trauma.

Will this assist with a specific traumatic event?

Yes, it can, and later we will give specific techniques that may assist in this application. Due to the fact that we have designed and developed this clearing procedure to assist the greatest number in general clearing, it may help if you apply an additional, targeted procedure for a specific event. Please understand that each event is individual in its perception and is case specific. Clearing the residual energy and imprints of the shock, trauma and panic can often produce tremendous results. However, with any given circumstance, a number of otherenergy inhibiting procedures can be taking place.

For instance, the emotional energy and charge induced by the event can also be stored in the body and field and has direct correlation to the event and circumstances. This trapped emotional energy and charge can also create pain and dysfunction in the body, particularly at the site of physical trauma or injury. While this normally requires a separate procedure to clear, with your will and intention and the power of the One Infinite Creator in Activity, anything is possible. It is our intention that you will get all of the healing that you require and desire no matter who assists you.We hold this field of intention for you as you explore our site as well.

We would do well to recognize that a miraculous healing opportunity is available to all of us at any given time and place. Be open to this and ask for it to be delivered.

Do Before All Clearings

Well begun is half done

Before you participate as a volunteer in this Self-Empowerment research program, we feel that it is prudent to enumerate some precautions and detail how others may have responded to the experience of this level of empowerment technology. We feel you need to be informed of some guidelines that will assist you in making a choice to participate. This information is based entirely upon the experience of many people who have undergone Phoenix Vibrational Healing™ clearing techniques. You may or may not have any of the responses we are about to mention, but if you do, you will know that this is common with many people. Empowerments do not generally have unwinding of stress in the body sometimes associated with clearings, but they are very powerful and following these guidelines will give you the maximum benefit.

If you are going to avail yourself of these tools, it is best to know what the normal precautions are in regard to energetic clearing activity. Prior to any clearing or healing activity it is best to observe the following procedures for maximum effectiveness.

First Steps for Maximum Effectiveness

1. First, you will want to be seated comfortably, preferably in a straight-backed chair. Sometimes during energetic clearing processes one may get slightly light headed or experience a rise or drop in perceived body temperature.

2. Locate yourself in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed for a period of time. Interruptions, loud noises, televisions, radios, and other preoccupations can be distracting. Clearing and healing processes should be conducted in a calm atmosphere and a centered state. Put your phone in another room or in airplane mode so as not to receive distracting notifications or calls.

3.You are an active participant and will need to have clarity in order to follow the procedures. It is best to do them when rested, nourished and free of mood altering substances.

4. You should give yourself some time to adjust after the process, so do not participate if you are going to have to do something active soon, especially driving or operating machinery. In some rare instances, people have expressed that they get slightly dizzy while undergoing clearing processes. You will need to give yourself some time to readjust after completion. Be sure to allow time afterwards for the grounding steps.

5. Assure that the body is hydrated properly by drinking at least 8 ounces of pure water before beginning healing procedures. The body is composed of nearly 80% water, and this water carries etheric information and frequencies. Dehydration of the body can sometimes nullify or impede the effectiveness of Spiritual healing procedures. Continue to drink some water throughout any extended sessionand afterwards.

6. Center yourself in a calm and relaxed state and space by taking several deep breaths and letting go of tension or stress with will and intention.

7. Verbally or silently ask your High Self to assist in the following clearing and healing procedures. Thank your High Self for its assistance. Ask that this be done now, so be it, we are thanking Thee, and so it is done now.

8. Before initiating any healing or clearing procedure, the body and energy field complex must be clear and ready to receive the healing treatment. For our purposes now, you may simply use the following prayer performed aloud for this clearing work:

Speak aloud: Creator of All That Is, I Am asking that you clear me, this body, and all that I Am to give and receive 100% true and accurate information now. I Am asking that this be done now, so be it, we are thanking Thee, and so it is done now.

After completion of the preceding brief prayer, perform a “clearing breath” (in through the nose – out through the mouth). As you exhale through the mouth, send the prayer forth out of the top of the head (the Crown Chakra) up to your High Self and beyond to the Creator.

We would do well to recognize that a miraculous healing opportunity is available to all of us at any given time and place. Be open to this and ask for it to be delivered.

Possible DeTox After & Potential Benefits

Be Aware of Possible De-Tox Afterwards

The first clearing that we are offering is designed to assist in clearing the energies and imprints of Trauma, Shock and Panic from the subtle bodies. When energies of trauma and shock are cleared from the Body/Mind/Field complex, the physical body will often begin to let go of physical toxins from the cellular level of the body. Often these toxins are being energetically held in place by the patterns of the trauma. Therefore some people may experience spontaneous detoxification symptoms following the process which lessen with each passing day. Some symptoms of natural detoxification are:

-Loose bowel movements or “bathroom clearings.”
-Fatigue – This should get better with each passing day.
-Shortness of breath. It seems like you can’t get enough air - in this case, breathe more - the body is calling for more oxygen.
-Emotional over-sensitivity - This is your own emotional energy and charge coming to the surface to clear - try not to kill the messenger.
-Headaches or aches in joints, muscles or both.
-Excessive perspiration, sweats or chills (the ladies may only glisten).
-Excessive body odor including that of stools, the breath, perspiration or urine.
-Short term pain in any area of the body which generally dissipates quickly, especially if you “breathe into it.”

In short, your physical body may go through a readjustment as the trauma unwinds itself from the subtle and physical bodies. Some people may never have experienced energetic processes at this level.

The key here is to relax and go with the process. Just know, that if you are experiencing some discomfort following the clearing, you are being gifted with the Grace and Healing of the Creator and give thanks.

The Potential Benefit

Now that we have discussed the caveats, let’s review the potential benefit. Again these are general experiences expressed by those who have participated in PVH™ clearing work. Your experience may differ as we are all individual. In fact, at the cognitive level, some people may recognize no symptoms at all. This does not necessarily mean that you received no benefit. Sometimes energetic clearing can be so subtle and gentle that it becomes difficult to assess, especially if you are not energetically sensitive. Just know and intend that you are getting exactly what’s appropriate for you at the time.

We all have varying levels of comfort and desire to let go of our past and our issues. In some instances, the High Self of the individual will calibrate the activity of a clearing over a longer period of time and mete it to match the comfort level of the individual.high_self In this case the effects may become more subtle to the senses. Therefore, look for the perceived benefits over the next month or so. If you have experienced severe trauma, shock, panic, injury or abuse in your past, it would be good at this point to ask your High Self to monitor and calibrate the clearing that you will receive and to assist you through your process with ease and comfort. This can simply be done verbally with will and intention as though you were talking with any person.

In addition, at any given time, it may only be appropriate for us to receive a specific level of clearing. At the energetic level, we may only be ready to let go of a certain amount of the trauma stored in our body at any given time. This equates to the peeling of an onion - on any occasion it may only be appropriate to peel off the outermost layer. For this reason, some time may need to transpire before you choose to come back and peel another layer. If you perceived little benefit the first time, it would be wise not to presume that your experience will be the same the second time, for it could be magnanimous. Anyone may benefit from a second or third clearing for this reason.

Also, if you are in the midst of a traumatic time in your life, you may want to participate in the clearing every other day or so. The more often you do the clearing during the time of present trauma, the less likely it will be for it to integrate into the physical and subtle bodies. This especially applies to a grieving process due to personal loss.

Some of the potential benefits that people often express include:

A sense of lightness or airiness during and/or immediately following the clearing - sometimes ranging from a short period of time, to several days. This is due to an acceleration of the person’s overall base-line vibratory frequency. Within several days they may become accustomed to this new higher frequency and not notice the lightening so much but the benefits are still retained. -In some instances the individual can feel as though a major burden or heaviness has been removed, never to return.
-An enhanced sense of energy running through the body, including tingling sensations, often in the extremities.
-An enhanced sense of peace, well-being and mood elevation.
-Dissipation or complete lifting of chronic pain from an area that has been traumatized.
-An increase of mobility or flexibility in the joints and musculature.
-A greater sense of comfort in the physical body and enhanced energy levels - a diminishment of bodily stress.
-Increased levels of patience and understanding.

We wish to reiterate that results will vary individually. Some persons are harboring less trauma and shock in the body than others. Since the natural propensity of the body is to seek a state of balance, some beneficial effects may be subtle in nature and more difficult to cognize. It may help to review the above list several times/days following the clearing procedure in order to become aware of the more subtle benefits. On the other hand, you could have such an immediate and tremendous shift that it will leave no doubt that you have had a major clearing.

When can a person benefit from using the clearing?

The clearing can be applied for trauma, shock and panic from the past or that one has recently or is presently experiencing. Formatting for the use of the clearing for past trauma will differ from current trauma and will be delineated in the procedures. While we have already given some examples, such as birth trauma, in previous sections of this page and site, it may be good to further elucidate situations where this clearing may be applicable.

One good guideline for using this clearing is any time that one experiences an adrenaline rush except during exercise. (Interestingly, even amusement park rides can induce shock and trauma, especially for a child that isn’t quite ready for the experience.) Any other time that adrenaline is being secreted, the body is often experiencing a temporary state of fight /flight that is being internalized as trauma, shock or panic. The characteristics of the fight /flight syndrome also stimulate numerous other glands in the body to secrete hormones in preparation for the body to either fight or take flight. Any time that the body feels it necessary to suddenly boost adrenaline output, it has perceived a threat and is therefore experiencing trauma, shock or panic to some degree. A simple example would be if you mashed your finger or cut yourself - pain ensues, circulatory rates increase, blood pressure rises, adrenaline hits the bloodstream, etc. - the body is coming on-line to trauma. Of course any time an injury occurs to the body, trauma is induced. This would include any form of medical emergency but furthermore it also includes invasive medical procedures, surgery, anesthesia, gynecological exams, chronic pain, and any other insult to the body, including psychological insult to the senses. There are a myriad of other circumstances which may be more subtle or severe.

For instance, when one has a heated disagreement with a co-worker, friend, supervisor or spouse there is often a perceived threat to someone’s security. This can even occur when no verbal exchange takes place. We often stuff our anger instead of expressing it. Trauma occurs nonetheless. Emotional conflict and traumas are some of the most common forms. This especially applies during times of great personal loss where the grief can become overwhelming. This is emotional, and ultimately, physical trauma, shock and panic integrating into the body and energy field.

In short, any time one’s security is being threatened at any level, trauma, shock or panic is being internalized. It does not require a sudden onslaught - it can also accrue over extended periods of time as is the case with an abusive relationship.There are too many people in this world for which this is a daily occurrence. Unfortunately, much of this world is suffering from shock and trauma.

2 Clearings for Shock, Panic & Trauma

Preliminary- for Current & Past Shock, Panic & Trauma

Procedure #1: Read and review all of the above information as you need to be informed of it all. There are preliminary precautions and guidelines given above that you will want to apply to prepare you to do the process. These include:

Sit in a comfortable, preferably straight backed-chair (it should have a back on it) in a quiet space, free of distraction.

Assure that the body is sufficiently hydrated.

Assure that you are fully grounded and in your physical body. Techniques to accomplish this are given in the section Techniques for Self Empowerment Grounding. Go to this section now and perform the Grounding exercises that are given.

Procedure #2: Position yourself directly in front of the computer screen with your upper torso within three feet of the screen and your feet placed flat upon the floor. This clearing is not effective if you are using a printed photograph of the clearing image - in order to be effective you must use the clearing image directly from the computer screen!

Procedure #3: We are now going to establish firm connection with our High Self. Verbally or silently ask your High Self to assist you in the following clearing and healing procedures. Thank your High Self for its assistance. Ask that this be done now, so be it, we are thanking Thee, and so it is done now.

Procedure #4: Before initiating any healing or clearing procedure, the body and energy field complex must be clear and ready to receive the clearing process. For our purposes now, you may simply use the following prayer performed aloud for this preparatory clearing work:

Speak aloud: “Creator of All That Is, I Am asking that you clear me, this body, and all that I Am to give and receive 100% true and accurate information now. I Am asking that this be done now, so be it, we are thanking Thee, and so it is done now.”

After completion of the preceding brief prayer, perform a “clearing breath” (in through the nose – out through the mouth). As you exhale through the mouth, send the prayer forth out of the top of the head (the Crown Chakra) up to your High Self and beyond to the Creator.

This preliminary clearing MUST be done prior to each session of clearing. If you are doing a series of clearings in a row for different traumas/issues, it’s best to repeat this preliminary clearing after every other clearing. The “processing” induced by doing the trauma clearings can cause one to go “out of clear” to give and receive 100% true and accurate information and this will negate the effectiveness of the trauma clearing itself!

You are now prepared to participate in one or the other of the two following formats of clearing.

For Presently Experiencing Shock, Panic, & Trauma

Format No. 1 - For Trauma, Shock or Panic that you are presently experiencing, have recently experienced or general over-all clearing:

Procedure A: Focus on the PVH™ clearing image (at the end of this page) visually and with your intention, connecting into the image with your Heart Chakra (Heart area of the body).

Procedure B: Bring into your consciousness the issue or trauma for which you are intending to receive clearing. Focus your attention firmly upon the trauma, shock or panic that the situation has created throughout the entire following process. For general over-all clearing simply hold the intention to transmute the Trauma, Shock and Panic stored in the body and “energy field.” Breathe throughout all of 30 feet from the physical body.

Procedure C: As you continue to visually focus on the PVH™ clearing image, and while holding your clearing objective in mind, begin to perform the “Clearing Breath.” Breathe deeply in through the nose and out through the mouth with the intention of transmuting the trauma with each out-breath. You will need to inhale fully down to the bottom of the lungs and then exhale fully. Do not hold the breath in - simply turn it around and exhale fully with intention. Perform this breathing and clearing process continually for at least 2 full minutes. If you get a sense that you are still transmuting after the 2 minute mark, continue the breathing and clearing until you feel complete with the process. The deeper the trauma, the longer this may be required. If you require a break, take one for a couple of minutes and then return to the “Clearing Breath” until you feel complete.

Procedure D: Breathe normally for a few minutes and re-center yourself. During this time you may or may not sense any of the clearing symptoms listed previously - try not to be attached to the outcome or judge your experience or yourself in any way. Just relax - tap in - and see what you are feeling. For one, you may look for an increase in visual acuity as though some veil has been lifted - if not, this is OK too - it doesn’t always happen. You also may feel somewhat as though you are floating in the “ozone.” This is because you are not fully in your body.

Procedure E: Once again, assure that you are fully grounded and in your physical body. Techniques to accomplish this are given in Grounding. Go to this section now and perform the Grounding exercises that are given.

For Past Experience of Shock, Panic, & Trauma

Format No. 2 - For Trauma, Shock or Panic that you experienced in your past:

IMPORTANT: Perform Procedures 1 thru 4 above to prepare you for the following sequence.

Procedure F: Bring into your consciousness the issue or trauma for which you are intending to receive clearing. Focus your attention firmly upon the Trauma, Shock or Panic that the situation has created throughout the entire following process.

Procedure G: At this time speak the following aloud:

“I AM asking my High Self to fully and completely research, identify, find and locate all Trauma, Shock and Panic and their energies, frequencies, imprints and residues relating to the event of __________ that I have experienced in the past of my time-line and that reside in my physical and subtle bodies now in present time. I AM asking that you take me to a point 10 minutes prior to the height of this Trauma, Shock and Panic and that you hold me right there. (Wait a few seconds for this to be accomplished) I AM asking that you bring me “On-Line” to all Trauma, Shock and Panic that I AM experiencing at this time.”

Procedure H: Focus on the PVH™ clearing image at the bottom of this page visually and with your intention, connect into the image with your Heart Chakra (Heart area of the body).

Procedure J: As you continue to visually focus on the PVH™ clearing image, and while holding your clearing objective in mind, begin to perform the “Clearing Breath.” Breathe deeply in through the nose and out through the mouth with the intention of transmuting the trauma with each out-breath. You will need to inhale fully down to the bottom of the lungs and then exhale fully. Do not hold the breath in - simply turn it around and exhale fully with intention. Perform this breathing and clearing process continually for at least 2 full minutes. If you get a sense that you are still transmuting after the 2 minute mark, continue the breathing and clearing until you feel complete with the process. The deeper the trauma, the longer this may be required. If you require a break, take one for a couple of minutes and then return to the “Clearing Breath” until you feel complete.

Procedure K: At this time speak the following aloud:

“I AM now asking my High Self to progress me forward to a point at the height of this Trauma, Shock and Panic and that you hold me right there. (Wait a few seconds for this to be accomplished) I AM asking that you bring me “On-Line” to all Trauma, Shock and Panic that I AM experiencing at this time.”

Procedure L: As you continue to visually focus on the PVH™ clearing image, and while holding your clearing objective in mind, begin to perform the “Clearing Breath.” Breathe deeply in through the nose and out through the mouth with the intention of transmuting the trauma with each out-breath. You will need to inhale fully down to the bottom of the lungs and then exhale fully. Do not hold the breath in - simply turn it around and exhale fully with intention. Perform this breathing and clearing process continually for at least 2 full minutes. If you get a sense that you are still transmuting after the 2 minute mark, continue the breathing and clearing until you feel complete with the process. The deeper the trauma, the longer this may be required. If you require a break, take one for a couple of minutes and then return to the “Clearing Breath” until you feel complete.

Procedure M: At this time speak the following aloud: “I AM now asking my High Self to progress me forward to a point 2 weeks following the height of this Trauma, Shock and Panic and that you hold me right there. (Wait a few seconds for this to be accomplished) I AM asking that you bring me “On-Line” to all Trauma, Shock and Panic that I AM experiencing at this time.”

Procedure N: As you continue to visually focus on the PVH™ clearing image, and while holding your clearing objective in mind, begin to perform the “Clearing Breath.” Breathe deeply in through the nose and out through the mouth with the intention of transmuting the trauma with each out-breath. You will need to inhale fully down to the bottom of the lungs and then exhale fully. Do not hold the breath in - simply turn it around and exhale fully with intention. Perform this breathing and clearing process continually for at least 2 full minutes. If you get a sense that you are still transmuting after the 2 minute mark, continue the breathing and clearing until you feel complete with the process. The deeper the trauma, the longer this may be required. If you require a break, take one for a couple of minutes and then return to the “Clearing Breath” until you feel complete.

Procedure O: State the following aloud: “I AM thanking my High Self for your assistance with this clearing now.”

Procedure P: Breathe normally for a few minutes and re-center yourself. During this time you may or may not sense any of the clearing symptoms listed previously - try not to be attached to the outcome or judge your experience or yourself in any way. Just relax - tap in - and see what you are feeling. For one, you may look for an increase in visual acuity as though some veil has been lifted - if not, this is OK too - it doesn’t always happen. You also may feel somewhat as though you are floating in the “ozone.” This is because you are not fully in your body.

Procedure Q: Once again, assure that you are fully grounded and in your physical body. Techniques to accomplish this are given in the section Techniques for Self Empowerment Grounding. Go to this section now and perform the Grounding exercises that are given.

We here at Phoenix Vibrational Healing™™ hold the continual intention that you receive your highest and best healing each moment. Thank You for being here with us.

Clearing Picture for Shock, Panic & Trauma

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